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Thursday 26 January 2012

Marshall Mathers aka Eminem is my inspiration & motivation

I've liked music and words by Eminem for a long time.  His lyrics always have the same effect on me,   they'd often make me smile or laugh AND they alway made me think.  Sometimes I just have to give    him credit for saying what others may think but they don't have the balls to say it.  Othertimes I giggle and think how many feathers he  is going to ruffle with his rhymes.  Like he says "It'd feel so empty without me".   I spose that makes the man a genius. And no matter what critics do or say he stands up and fights back for what he believes in.  Sure he's made mistakes, yet he doesn't hide them away and pretend to be perfect - he owns up to them like a responsible person should.  At first I knew Eminem as a sort of character but over the last few years I've became a huge fan of Marshall Mathers too.  I don't mean I know or have met him personally,  I mean it's like Eminem's reaching out more and is stronger  and the real person is shining thru - Marshall Mathers.  I often speak of the  extreme importance for everyone to find people who inspire and motivate them.  To me Marshall   Mathers is one of the most, if not the most, inspiring and motivating persons' to grace this earth.  He has gone from rags to riches,  he's seen good times and bad ... he has  overcame much diversity to come out on top and be a loving father, a  very successful bussiness man and a much  adored international performer.  I know I get down sometimes by my disability but turning on an Eminem cd or reading an interview with him inspires me to keep going, like he has to get where he is today.  That inturn motivates me to not give up.

This  link has the lyrics to   "I'm Not Afraid" and video clips for the song   Directlyrics is officially licensed to display lyrics by all the major publishers through Gracenote. This guarantees accurate lyrics and pays the artists for their work.

1 comment:

  1. Love and respect for this legend <3, he's always been a great inspiration
